Q. How many modules will need to be taught and how much time is needed for each module?
The curriculum consists of 4 modules which are appropriate for grade 7-12 students. Time will vary in each module depending on student writing. Some of the elements can be assigned for homework, therefore freeing up class time. Each module has a story video that is approximately 10 minutes, a song video that is 5-8 minutes long, and short video assignment pieces that must be responded to by students. Teachers are invited to view additional assignments that can also be used to explore the subject more if they like.
Q. How many in-class hours will be required to go through the material?
It will take approximately 8 hours to go through the 4 core modules if they are all done in class. However, the time commitment can vary as there is additional material available for instructors if they would like to go deeper into some areas. Instructors may decide to use extra material of their own as well.
Q. Can the modules be delivered with a break in between, or do the modules need to be taught all together?
There is absolutely no problem with taking a break between modules, as long as it is not over too long a time. It can be useful to take a break of a few days to let the material sink in, while ensuring that students still have access to school staff as they digest the material. It is not advisable to take a break over longer holidays such as Easter or Christmas. It is totally up to each instructor, and instructors can add any additional activities they might already have that deal with these delicate matters.
Q. Can the material be offered out of school hours?
We ask that the story videos be watched in school as a whole class on a large screen or smart board if possible. We suggest that the instructor also be accompanied in class by a mental health staff member whenever possible for the first viewing of each story video. The material contained in the story videos is treated with respect and hope, and because these are sensitive issues we strongly recommend that immediate in-class support be available if needed. Also, having someone in the class with an eye on the reaction of students as they view the material can also give insight to staff to see if a follow up conversation might be an appropriate preventative measure. Once the story video has been viewed as a class, students have access to review it at will and can then do some of the exercises and responses at home.
Q. Do students work through the material independently, or is it done all together?
Most of the work is independent except the first viewing of the story videos, which should be done as a whole class on a large screen. Some of the additional suggested activities can involve some teamwork at the instructor's discretion.
Q. Can you provide a breakdown of roles for teachers, counsellors and administrators?
The teacher and counsellor will work closely together throughout the use of the curriculum. Either the teacher OR the counsellor can guide the students through the material as they see fit and have time available. We ask the counsellor to be in the class whenever possible, especially when the story videos are being watched by the students for the first time in order to note any discomfort or adverse reactions and be able to intervene right away. (Though this is rare, we prefer to err on the side of caution). As the students work through the modules, they are asked to answer reflective questions. These answers prove to be revealing of their experiences at times and may lead to a need for further support from school counsellors. The administrator role is one of support for the process as a whole and for permissions for in-school use of the material.
Q. What is the evaluation process for the program?
Student evaluation: Students are invited to complete a short survey at the end of the modules. This survey takes about 15 minutes to complete.
Teacher/Counsellor evaluation: A short survey is provided for teachers and counselors. Also expect a follow-up phone conversation and/or email from our staff to debrief your experience and your impressions on student experience.